Monday, August 25, 2008

4000 Questions, Question #8: Do you consider your childhood a happy one?

Question #8: Do you consider your childhood a happy one?

Oooo, good one. This could be a tricky one to answer since several of my family members read this blog. Yes, blissfully happy. Next question.

Just kidding. For the most part, I would say yes. I have a great family. I never wanted for necessity & most wants. I got to see a lot of America growing up. I have been so lucky in my life. However, & I know I've talked about this before, but it was a major part of my life & still effects me today, the times I was teased & mentally abused by bullies/classmates was a terrible part of my childhood & when I think back on those times, I would say they were definitely not happy times. But really, other than the teasing, what I remember of my childhood was a happy one. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We tend to forget (by Gods grace) the bad and remember the loving moments , people