Saturday, June 19, 2010

"Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Rulled Ineligible for Federal Funds"

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Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Ruled Ineligible for Federal Funds

The National Institute of Health's (NIH) Advisory Committee recommended withholding federal research funding for embryonic stem cell lines on Wednesday that were thought to be eligible with Obama's policy. Concerned that one particular sentence would open up to lawsuits, the Committee decided to err on the side of caution.

Days after his inauguration, President Obama reversed President Bush's policy of restricting the use of federal funds for research on human embryonic stem.

Prentice notes that embryonic research involves destroying a young human life and more.

"They haven't helped anybody. They haven't really helped that many mice in almost 30 years of research. They tend to form tumors instead."

Meanwhile he lists numerous advances in adult stem cell treatments from bone marrow, umbilical cord blood and more.

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"Reports say Obamam admitted he's a Muslim"

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Reports say Obama admitted he's a Muslim
Obama with Christian and Muslim symbols big
two major Middle East media outlets -- Nile TV International and Israel Today Magazine -- are reporting that the president has admitted in recent months that he is a Muslim. 
Those outlets say that Obama, in a one-on-one meeting earlier this year with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, told Gheit that he was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, and the step-son of a Muslim step-father; that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims; and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda.
Pam Geller (Freedom Defense Initiative)"[In] this latest report...Foreign Prime Minister Gheit on Nile Television...said that, in confidence, Obama told him that he was a Muslim," says Geller, "and that after he straightened out domestic issues would show the Muslim world how to handle Israel."
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"SAfrica protesters march for US AIDS funding"

Entitlement spreads across the globe. I'm all for helping people but when they start to demand it, I'm for pulling out.
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SAfrica protesters march for US AIDS funding
JOHANNESBURG (AP) - Thousands of South African protesters marched on the U.S. consulate Thursday to demand the U.S. increase its AIDS funding for Africa, weeks after U.S. officials said their biggest AIDS fund would not substantially rise.
The protesters, clad in green T-shirts emblazoned with the words "HIV-Positive," marched before the consulate in a wealthy northern suburb of Johannesburg to demand that the U.S. government increase its contribution to the Global Fund on AIDS, TB and Malaria to $2.8 billion by 2013.

Officials from the international program, known as PEPFAR, say this year's budget had increased only marginally, from $6.8 billion in 2010 to nearly $7 billion for 2011.

Mark Heywood, deputy chairman of the South African National Aids Council, lambasted world leaders for cutting back on AIDS funding in the wake of the global economic crisis.

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